Organic Allspice, Ground
In Stock
Sold out
Organic Allspice is a versatile spice with a rich history and a variety of culinary uses. It’s known for its warm flavor that resembles a blend of cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg, which is why it’s often used in both sweet and savory dishes. Allspice is commonly used in pickling, baking, Jerk seasoning and to flavor meets.
Heavy Metals - this product has been tested for heavy metals and complies with ASTA and the European Union Guidelines. The FDA has not set guidelines.
Product Details
Country of Origin:
Health Benefits:
How to Use
Food Complements: beef, lamb, carrots, chicken, onions, pumpkin, squash, sweet potatoes
Flavor Complements:
Equivalent Measures:
Storage and Shelf Life
Storage: To maximize freshness, store in a dark airtight container in a cool dry place. Once the spice is ground, flavor deteriorates with exposure to light, heat, air, humidity and time. Here are rules of thumb about the shelf life of spices and herbs >
NOTE: The plastic refill bags are not intended for long-term storage of your spices. Due to the porous nature of plastic, the essential oils that are released when a spice is ground, may react with the plastic and/or labelling inks over time.
Refill bags contain the same amount of spice as in our small glass jars. When they arrive, simply snip the corner of your bag, refill your original Smith & Truslow spice jar, apply the new label, and recycle the bag.
Product Testing
Certificates of analysis (COAs) accompany our products through the supply chain. COAs identify country of origin, certifications, best by dates, and information on product testing.
If you would like to review the COA for the lot we are currently selling, or for one that you have already purchased, please send an email to:
Be sure to indicate 1) the spice name, and 2) the lot number, and we’ll respond with a PDF of the COA, as is available.
Shipping & Returns
Smith & Truslow ships within the US to all 50 states. We will only attempt shipments to valid street addresses.
Order Processing: To estimate your delivery date, please be sure to consider processing time and shipping time. It typically takes 1-2 days to process an order.
During high traffic seasons – the Nov and Dec holidays – processing time may increase to 3 days. If you place your order with an express
shipment option, we will move your order to the top of the queue so that it ships as quickly as possible.
Shipping: Orders ship from our distribution center located in Denver, CO. Upon completion of an order, you will will receive an email confirming shipment and tracking information.
Please note: We do not offer in-person pickup at our Denver kitchen and distribution center.
Return Policy: We do not (actually, cannot) accept returns on food-related items.
If your order is damaged during shipment, contact us within 7 calendar days from the date you received your order.
To Submit A Claim: Take a picture of the damage and email it to along with your order number and your preferred method of communication.
Approved Claims: Smith & Truslow will either refund the cost of the damaged product, or send a replacement. Refunds will be made to the credit card that was used to place the initial order.